CAL Members Show 2017

Fiery Sunset Through Romeo Pier
Find the Blue Heron
The Coastal Arts League Gallery & Museum in Half Moon Bay is having their CAL Members Show. I have 2 photos in it “Fiery Sunset Through Romeo Pier” and “Find the Blue Heron.” If you’re in the area come see the show. It runs from December 9, 2017 – January 7, 2018.

The address is:

Zaballa Square
300 Main Street, Suite 6
Half Moon Bay, CA. 94019

Welcome to my photo site

Sunset at Mavericks

I had a photography section on my design portfolio website, and frequently update my Instagram site, but I wanted a separate website to showcase some of them. A common theme for many photos on this site is the landscape and nature near the Northern California coast.

Ever since moving to Pacifica, I walk along beaches and cliffs here, as well as Montara and Half Moon Bay. San Pedro Valley Park in Pacifica is a good spot to see nature and wildlife. Farther down Highway 1 toward Santa Cruz, there are lots of beautiful beaches and parks. There are also some San Francisco coast and park photos from when I lived there for years.

I’m always looking at my surroundings for any interesting natural details, design patterns, or various inspiring shots. This site is dedicated to the natural beauty of the Northern California coast and surrounding areas, as well as capturing whimsical moments.

If you are interested in buying any prints, let me know which photos. Thanks.

Enjoy the photos!